About me & my Blog


I’m Ray and I live in Istanbul,Turkey. This Photography Blog is something I promised myself to do as apart of my 365 day Photography Challenge.



Kilincli Gol Sokak
34077 Istanbul, Turkey


+90 212 322 4489
+90 533 480 8073



Hi and welcome to About me & my Blog. As with many things in life this blog is something that I have been planning to do for several years. I’ve been an amateur photographer and dabbling in photography for 15-20 years and although I’ve been brave enough to take photographs in manual mode, I’ve never been brave enough to share them with anyone outside of my friends and family until recently when I finally, after much inner turmoil decided to dip my toes into the ocean that is  Instagram.

It was quite alarming as I wasn’t quite aware that there are whole industries based around gaining their clients likes in a multitude of different & expensive ways. I would be happy with One LIKE never mind thousands that some people have.

I realized very quickly that I became consumed with checking if my last post would become a hit and my LIKES would soar me into the stratosphere of Social Media & photography, but it was not to be Because the concept of adding hashtags to my posts to attract more LIKES seemed like cheating and the fact that many friends just liked it because that is what people do on Instagram instead of really looking at it.

So here I am now writing what I think and taking photos of want and posting them onto a blog with no fanfare and lights. I hope that I can come back to this Blog in several years and say to myself “I did it”. I hope that I also learn a little about my Photography style along the way.


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